People are unreasonable,
illogical, self-centered.
Love them ANYWAY.
If you do good, people will accuse you
of selfish, ulterior motives.
Do good ANYWAY
If you are successful, youll win
false friends and make true enemies.
Succeed ANYWAY.
Honesty and kindness may
make you vulnerable.
Be honest and kind ANYWAY.
The good you do today
may very well be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good ANYWAY.
The biggest people with the
biggest ideas can get shot down
by the smallest people
with the smallest minds.
But think big ANYWAY.
Give the world the best you got.
you may very well get kicked
in the teeth for it.
But give the world the best you got ANYWAY.
...Kent Keith
* A very nice thought posted by a friend in friendster's bulletin. I was enlightened by this post. In everything I do, I always think of what would people say and feel about me. Now, I have second thoughts about that. Who the hell cares? This is my life anyway!